8 min

Onsite HQ Update: Emergency Contacts

We are thrilled to announce our newest feature — the ability to add building-specific emergency contacts! Managers will now be able to assign emergency contacts to each building, where it will be the first point of contact to vendors in case of building emergencies.

Mobile Access for Staff to Reach Emergency Contacts Onsite

We are thrilled to announce our newest feature — the ability to add building-specific emergency contacts! Managers will now be able to assign emergency contacts to each building, where it will be the first point of contact to vendors in case of building emergencies.

Emergency contacts will help staff and new building operators swiftly escalate and resolve issues during an emergency. With these issues called to the attention of managers in the moment, you will avoid unnecessary costs and time wasted, all with the help of emergency contacts made available at the touch of a finger.

What are Emergency Contacts?

Property managers shared with us the challenges they faced when their staff and building operators performed onsite inspections. Staff members who often oversee multiple buildings have difficulty keeping track of corresponding vendors. When staff encountered an emergency during inspections that required assistance from third-party vendors, they were slow to contact the relevant service providers. Time wasted sifting through contacts to find the correct information in a situation that had a simple solution.  

Our solution allows managers to link building-specific emergency contacts such as plumbing, electrical, and cleaning services; made accessible to staff members throughout the inspection process. In the events of floods, break-ins, leaks, or sewer backup; the sooner the issues are addressed, the more likely to avoid costly damages. We help property managers expedite the process, reduce unexpected costs and time wasted; by connecting their staff to Emergency Contacts.

Who can access Emergency Contacts?

Managers can access and edit Emergency Contacts on their desktop platform. Staff members will access contact information on their mobile devices during building inspections.

For more information visit

For a 1 minute video explaining what we do click HERE

Poya Farighi
Director of operations at Oniste HQ
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