How Outdated & Difficult To Use Software Affects Employees/Process Improvement
In an article posted by LinkedIn, John Limbach goes over the 6 main issues that are the effects of outdated technology/software in your business. John discusses the effects of using outdated/difficult to use technology and software, and how process improvement through new tech and software can help. John states that in the long run, outdated/difficult technology & software is detrimental to your business’s bottom line. John argues that spending the money to upgrade your business’s existing software is imperative to see a positive increase in your company’s ROI. Three of the main effects outlined by This LinkedIn article include poor productivity, job dissatisfaction, and employee turnover/employer-relation.
Working with outdated software & technology has major effects on employee’s ability to be productive, their job satisfaction, and their subsequent relationship with their employer. ZenBusiness, a LLC formation assistance company valued at over 1.7B noted that company employees lose almost 40 minutes per week due to outdated tech/software. As a result 3/10 employees said “they’d likely look for a new job due to their workplace’s outdated technology.”
What does this mean for your business?
According to Slack, a $27.7B company, specializing in streamlining employee experiences & productivity through software, says that poor productivity, job dissatisfaction, and poor employer-employee relationships have detrimental effects on businesses in general. According to this article published by Slack, poor employee productivity leads to:
- Low Employee Morale/Motivation
- Low Quality Of Work
- Poor Company Flexibility & Agility
- High Turnover Rates
- Lower Outputs & Profitability
These effects lead to an overall reduction in your businesses growth, and fewer dollars earned per labor hour. SurePayroll estimates that lost productivity in business accounts for $1.8 trillion in losses for businesses each year. This is money that can be reinvested into businesses to improve processes, or retained as profits
The effects of job dissatisfaction have many of the same outcomes as poor productivity, although, there is one that stands out in front of all of them, that is employee neglect. Employee neglect can be defined as workers who:
- Perform their duties poorly
- Don’t seek out help or try to improve work situations
- Unresponsive to emails
- Lack communication skills and efforts
These actions can have detrimental effects on property/strata management companies. As mentioned in Onsite HQ’s last blogpost, “landlords, property owners, and property/strata management companies are liable for any injuries or damages that occur on properties under their management.” This is a result of the Occupiers Liability Act. This liability is a huge risk for property and strata management companies, as due to the negligence of one of their own employees, they could be left responsible for events that occur on their managed property.
Finally, bad employer-employee relationships can have major consequences for your business in the long-run. Having a history of poor employee-employer relationships can affect your firm’s ability to obtain new talent in the future and increase turnover rates among your current employees, which in turn, increases employee onboarding times & decreases specialization.
How Onsite HQ Can Help With Process Improvement
Having a professional, loyal, and hard working team is crucial to any businesses success. Working with software that discourages employees and makes their life/job more difficult, will only hurt your business. Onsite HQ makes your facilities safer, by raising the standards of accountability & compliance, while keeping it simple.