5 min

Steps to Using Onsite HQ for Energy Metering Compliance in Vancouver

Using paper manuals for checklists, inspections, and work orders can result in various issues, such as increased costs due to manual inputs and administrative tasks. Retrofitting and adding new energy meters can also be expensive. Despite these challenges, Onsite HQ offers an effective solution. It enhances the energy metering process through several key features, making compliance with Vancouver's regulations easier and more efficient for property managers.

Objectives of Energy Metering

Vancouver's energy metering initiative aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by monitoring energy consumption, which allows property managers to identify areas of inefficiency and take corrective actions to minimize emissions. Promoting energy efficiency through tracking helps pinpoint inefficiencies, leading to cost savings and reduced environmental impact. The city’s goal of becoming the greenest city in the world relies heavily on effective energy metering. Regular energy monitoring ensures buildings operate at optimal efficiency, providing healthier living and working environments.

Leveraging Onsite HQ

Using manual inputs such as paper can result in various issues such as input error, difficulty interpreting handwriting and high administration costs. Retrofitting and adding new energy meters can also be expensive. Despite these challenges, Onsite HQ offers an effective solution. Onsite HQ enhances the energy metering process through several key features, making compliance with Vancouver's regulations easier and more efficient for property managers. Here’s how to use Onsite HQ effectively:

Step 1: Capture Meter Readings

Using Onsite HQ, building managers can record meter readings and take photos of their gas, water, and electric meters. The mobile app is user-friendly, guiding users through the process of capturing accurate meters.

Step 2: Instant Verification and Upload

Once the photos are taken, Onsite HQ instantly verifies the readings for accuracy. This automated verification process reduces the risk of human error that often occurs with manual data entry. After verification, property managers can upload this data to ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, ensuring compliance with the reporting requirements.

Step 3: Analyze Performance with Real-Time Analytics

Onsite HQ also provides real-time analytics that offer immediate insights into your building’s energy performance. The app displays key metrics and trends, helping property managers identify inefficiencies and areas for improvement. This information is crucial for making timely decisions that enhance energy efficiency and reduce consumption.

Based on the insights gained from the real-time analytics, property managers can implement necessary adjustments to improve energy efficiency. This may include  adjusting existing controls,  upgrading mechanical systems, , or making operational changes to reduce energy consumption.

Step 4: Ensure Annual Reporting Compliance

To comply with the Energize Vancouver initiative, property managers must report their buildings' energy consumption and greenhouse gas intensity annually. Onsite HQ simplifies this process by maintaining a record of all meter readings and performance analytics, ensuring that all necessary data is readily available for reporting.

Benefits of Using Onsite HQ

Using Onsite HQ for energy metering compliance offers several benefits, including increased accuracy through automated verification, which reduces errors associated with manual data entry. Enhanced efficiency is achieved by streamlining processes, saving time, and improving productivity. Immediate insights are provided by real-time analytics, aiding in prompt and informed decision-making. Additionally, improved energy efficiency results in significant cost savings. Lastly, simplified reporting ensures regulatory compliance with Vancouver's energy metering regulations.

Onsite HQ’s software is designed to make energy metering compliance straightforward and efficient. By using Onsite HQ, property managers can contribute to Vancouver’s sustainability goals while benefiting from improved building performance and cost savings. Adopting Onsite HQ can play a crucial role in supporting Vancouver’s sustainability initiatives and ensuring the long-term success of your property management efforts.

Interested in our Software? 

Onsite HQ’s software will help make your facilities safer, raise accountability & compliance within your organization, all while keeping it simple and easy. 

If you have any questions about Onsite HQ, or would like to learn more about how Onsite HQ can help your organization, click the link and book a demo today. 

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If you would like to learn more about how we can help your organization make your facilities safer and raise accountability & compliance standards within your organization, book a demo today.
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