3 min

Onsite HQ's New Features December 2023

Onsite HQ, the digital solution for property inspections, compliance, and repairs, is proud to announce its latest set of features for December 2023. These enhancements help further streamline processes, enhance user experience, and provide even better insights for managers.

Onsite HQ, the digital solution for property inspections, compliance, and repairs, is proud to announce its latest set of features for December 2023. These enhancements help further streamline processes, enhance user experience, and provide even better insights for managers. In this blog post, we'll explore these updates, each crafted to enhance communication, streamline operations, and elevate the overall management experience.

1. Messages: Enhancing Communication and Collaboration

Effective communication is the cornerstone of successful property management. Onsite HQ's new Messages feature allows users and managers to seamlessly communicate and exchange information within the platform, directly linked to active work orders. This feature not only fosters collaboration but also ensures that everyone involved in a project is up to date, leading to increased efficiency and faster work order completion.

2. Assets: Cataloging and Managing Assets Across Locations

Managing assets across various locations can be challenging. With the introduction of the Assets feature, Onsite HQ empowers users to catalog assets efficiently. Whether it's equipment, machinery, or specific areas within a property, users can now create inspections or tasks that are tailored to individual assets. This level of specificity not only improves the accuracy of inspections but also enables a more targeted and proactive approach to maintenance.

3. Issues: Targeted Issue Resolution for Managers

Identifying and resolving issues promptly is crucial in property management. The new Issues tab provides managers with a comprehensive overview of all flagged issues, allowing them to prioritize and address concerns efficiently. By issue tracking, Onsite HQ ensures that managers can take swift action, minimizing downtime and maintaining a smooth operation.

4. Recurring Work Orders: Scheduled Maintenance for Operational Excellence

Onsite HQ now allows users to schedule recurring work orders. This ensures that routine tasks are systematically addressed, contributing to the operational excellence of properties. Whether it's routine preventive maintenance, or other recurring tasks, Onsite HQ's Recurring Work Orders feature empowers users to create schedules that keep everything running smoothly.

5. Calendar View: A Comprehensive Overview of Work Orders

In the fast-paced world of property management, staying organized is key. The new Calendar View feature ensures that recurring work orders are not overlooked. All recurring work orders are laid out in an easily accessible calendar, providing a comprehensive overview of scheduled activities. This visual representation aids in planning, preventing oversights, and ensuring that property maintenance remains on track.

6. Terminology Change: Standard Industry language 

Aligning with standard industry terminology is crucial for effective communication. Onsite HQ has increased clarity by replacing the term “Tasks” with “Work Orders” throughout the platform. This change is to reflect the more commonly used language, while also maintaining professionalism, and clarity within the work management process. 

Onsite HQ’s features for December 2023 mark another step forward in our mission to simplify property inspections, compliance, and repairs. As we enter 2024, our vision is to continue to innovate and support property managers with our software solutions. We are excited about moving forward and making property management more efficient, collaborative, and data-driven than ever before.

Interest in our Software? 

Onsite HQ’s software will help make your facilities safer, raise accountability & compliance within your organization, all while keeping it simple and easy. 

If you have any questions about Onsite HQ, or would like to learn more about how Onsite HQ can help your organization, click the button below and book a demo today.

Interested in our Software?
If you would like to learn more about how we can help your organization make your facilities safer and raise accountability & compliance standards within your organization, book a demo today.
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