5 min

Vancouver’s Push for Energy Metering: Leveraging ENERGY STAR for Compliance

The City of Vancouver is actively promoting energy metering as part of its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This initiative involves using ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a government software tool that allows property managers to track and manage their buildings' energy consumption. By gathering and regularly uploading data to the ENERGY STAR system, property managers can help the city achieve its ambitious climate goals. Vancouver emphasizes the importance of compliance, providing clear guidelines for property managers to follow to contribute to the city's sustainability objectives.

The City of Vancouver is actively promoting energy metering as part of its commitment to sustainability and environmental responsibility. This initiative involves the use of ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager, a government software tool that allows property managers to track and manage the energy consumption of their buildings. By gathering all relevant data and regularly uploading it to the ENERGY STAR system, property managers can help the city achieve its ambitious climate goals. Vancouver is advocating for energy metering, outlining the steps property managers need to take, and emphasizing the importance of compliance.

Objectives of Energy Metering

Vancouver's push for energy metering is driven by several key objectives. Firstly, it aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by monitoring and managing energy consumption in buildings, which are significant contributors to these emissions. Secondly, promoting energy efficiency through tracking energy use allows property managers to identify inefficiencies and implement measures to reduce energy consumption, leading to cost savings and a reduced environmental impact. Additionally, Vancouver has set ambitious climate targets, including becoming the greenest city in the world, and energy metering is a critical component of the city’s strategy to meet these goals. Lastly, regular energy monitoring helps improve the overall performance of buildings, ensuring they operate at optimal efficiency and provide healthier living and working environments for occupants.

Energize Vancouver Initiative and Compliance

The Energize Vancouver initiative is a multi-year project aimed at reducing carbon pollution from existing commercial and multi-family buildings. The program emphasizes the importance of energy metering and reporting, requiring property owners to track and report their buildings' energy use and greenhouse gas emissions. To comply, property managers must measure their buildings' energy consumption and greenhouse gas intensity and report this data annually. The initiative uses a phased approach based on building size, progressively bringing more properties under regulation. Implementing energy efficiency measures, such as upgrading mechanical systems and choosing renewable energy options, is also encouraged to meet set targets and improve building performance. The Energize Vancouver website  (website link) provides comprehensive guidelines on the reporting process, regulatory requirements, and available retrofit incentives, making it easier for property managers to contribute to Vancouver’s sustainability goals.

Why Property Managers Should Care

Property managers should care about Vancouver’s push for energy metering because it not only helps the city meet its climate goals, but also benefits the buildings they manage. By improving energy efficiency, property managers can achieve significant cost savings, enhance the performance of their buildings, and provide healthier environments for occupants. Compliance with energy metering regulations also ensures that properties remain competitive in an increasingly eco-conscious market, contributing to long-term sustainability and operational success. 

Leveraging Onsite HQ 

Onsite HQ introduces a feature for property managers to take photos of their gas, water and electric meters and have them instantly verified by Onsite HQ and can be uploaded to energy star. Using paper to input numbers on the manual can slow the processing times and even create errors. Using Onsite HQ will help with the goal of reducing carbon emissions and increase employee productivity. Onsite HQ also provides real-time analytics, helping property managers gain immediate insights into their building’s energy performance and make timely decisions to improve efficiency.

Interested in our Software? 

Onsite HQ’s software will help make your facilities safer, raise accountability & compliance within your organization, all while keeping it simple and easy. 

If you have any questions about Onsite HQ, or would like to learn more about how Onsite HQ can help your organization, click the link and book a demo today. 

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